Saturday, August 20, 2016

The Lord keeps his promises


Sundays are a busy day for missionaries. Our little twig has multiple callings that are not filled including music callings and youth leaders. That leaves opportunities for members to step up and fill in where needed. I taught a youth Sunday School class to one youth. We worked on learning how to do indexing to give him a way to work on family history. The goal was for him to go home and teach his parents, the smiling couple surrounding the food, and older brother. Wayne did a financial audit and learned more things about how the branch operates and compensates with minimal clerk staffing. Our Branch President, in the picture, really carries the branch on his shoulders. He will only be here another year.

The sister missionaries wanted to have a barbecue at the home of the branch president Sunday so he drove a van load of members to his house, 30 minutes from the base, and then drove them back again afterwards. His wife and mother-in-law prepared a lovely spread of food and those who came had a very relaxing time visiting together. The sister missionaries added a spiritual thought about following the prophets. Their apartment is about three times the size of our apartment and we thought we had a large one. The missionaries love all the space that doesn’t exist in other Korean dwellings.

                We put in lots of hours at the USO this week. They needed us two mornings at the front desk to keep the doors open and then we were there three evenings to teach. We love the teaching and keep getting queries about when and where we meet. Our numbers are still very small now and that works for me. My student, Bo, has been a wonderful Korean language coach this week. She has me studying hard. Wayne carried on a conversation in Korean with his friend in the park this week so he is doing well, too.
                We had good attendance at our FHE and fellowshipping night. The new elder in our branch is named Elder Anderson and his roots are from Bear River City so Wayne will see if they are relatives. This transfer they gave us back our elders full-time which should make them more effective.


     I learned this week that the Lord keeps his promise to “…bear you up.” (D&C 84:88) He really is a God of miracles and concerned about every detail in our lives. What a wonderful blessing to know that God is real; He lives; He loves us; He blesses us with the challenges and support we need to grow and return to Him. I’m also very thankful for the atonement of Jesus Christ and the hope of forgiveness. I wish I could say that I don’t need it every week. Wow! And then He has given us the sacrament to renew our covenants each week and walk away clean as we go with humble hearts. God is really amazing! King Benjamin reminded us that there is no way we can ever return enough thanks for all his blessings. (Mosiah 2:20-24) Service to others is a good way to start so Wayne and I do our best to serve every day in our remote corner of His vineyard. What a blessing to be His servants.

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