Sunday, August 28, 2016

Radio guests

We were given the opportunity to advertise our tutoring classes to the Area I soldiers on their radio station. Our host was very professional and kind. Over an hour’s block he explored four questions giving us 2-4 minutes to respond each time. He played music and did news and weather between segments to keep the soldiers listening.

We were able to explain that we were here as missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints offering service to the military personnel in this Area. We talked about the classes and did our best to make them sound like something the soldiers would want to attend. The DJ said we could have the 9 am Friday slot every week if we wanted it. We’ll see if we think it makes a difference and we can think of new or interesting things to share.

The only new news is the crutches in the back. The arthritis in my right leg flared so that I am not able to put weight on my leg without extreme pain. I was able to see a doctor at Camp Casey and she thinks it will settle down again if I give it a bit of a rest. In the meantime, the ladies who bag groceries at the commissary were concerned that Wayne was doing our shopping alone Friday evening. How they even knew I was on crutches is a mystery, but they were kind to inquire.

The arthritis in my leg was just “pesky” when we came and I was able to run regularly with no problems. Why I went lame this week I can’t explain, but I will trust that there is a reason that we can work through. The Lord said, “…all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good.” (D&C 122:7) We will trust that the Lord knows what we need to do the work he has sent us here to do.


  1. I look forward to your posts each Sunday evening! I'm hoping your 'arthritis' isn't your clots in disguise.Take care.

  2. I look forward to your posts each Sunday evening! I'm hoping your 'arthritis' isn't your clots in disguise.Take care.

  3. Give the radio ads a few weeks different people on different days. My name did the same thing and it went away real fast but it might have helped because I gave it glucosamine chondroitin MSN. Could be a passing virus. Try a product like ibuprofen or another NSAID tablet for inflammation.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Give the radio ads a few weeks different people on different days. My knee did the same thing and it went away real fast but it might have helped because I gave it glucosamine chondroitin MSN. Could be a passing virus. Try a product like ibuprofen or another NSAID tablet for inflammation.

  6. Give the radio ads a few weeks different people on different days. My knee did the same thing and it went away real fast but it might have helped because I gave it glucosamine chondroitin MSN. Could be a passing virus. Try a product like ibuprofen or another NSAID tablet for inflammation.
