Sunday, July 10, 2016

Monsoon Rains

The monsoon rains came on the 4th of July. The river through the town which is usually a small stream at best was very swollen and muddy. This little stream was touching the corn on the far bank and over the concrete on the near bank. You can also see the mountains to the east.  Wayne is framed by the mountain to the west. We are standing in about the same spot which should give you a perspective of the width of the valley.

We went for a little explore in our neighborhood between our apartment and the two rivers. We saw an egret and great blue heron near the river and several ducks. We found a piano lesson studio, a school, two auto repair shops, several restaurants and lots of beautiful gardens. I tried talking with a couple of old ladies sorting some sort of herb that looked like chives. They gave us the name for the grass and said some other things in Korean. They think we understand because we try to speak in Korean.
I tried to tell a man, “Beautiful garden,” but he didn’t seem to understand anything I said. He tried to tell me about a flower that they eat the shoots or stems of it. He jabbered on and on, but I didn’t catch anything except the name of the flower that he kept repeating. I can’t remember that now. At least we’re trying.

I was given Elder Holland’s April conference address as a topic for my first talk. He asked us to: “Keep loving. Keep trying. Keep trusting. Keep believing. Keep growing.” And then he added this encouragement: “Heaven is cheering you on today, tomorrow, and forever.” (God’s) divine love and unfailing help will be with us even when we struggle—no, will be with us especially when we struggle.” I add my witness to Elder Holland’s. We feel His hand daily in our lives.

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