“And I was led by the
Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do.” (1 Nephi 4:6)
I think this scripture just
about sums up our week. Here are but a few examples:
came to church with Bro. Zinn and left with a copy of the Book of Mormon. Adam
appeared at church on the Post after more than a month and then he came to
fellowshipping night as well. Brent was able to come to church from Red Cloud
and offered to search for the other soldier we know is at that base.
stopped to visit with the elders outside the post just before our
fellowshipping activity. He accepted their invitation to join us, stayed for
over two hours, asked lots of questions about the church and left with a Book
of Mormon, the first discussion, and a promise to come to church on Sunday with
decided to make appointments to get our teeth cleaned. While we were filling
out the paperwork a technician started visiting with us and had questions about
our name tag that led to our sharing the story of the restoration with her.
Korean student who comes to learn English brought her boyfriend and he decided
to study math with Wayne. He had so much fun that they both promised to be back
on Tuesday.
was able to play with the toddlers from a daycare who were brought to the park
to play. They called me, “Oma,” and kept telling me, “Please,” as they tugged
at my finger to follow them.
I stopped to greet four grandmothers on the park bench and
one started chattering with me. We managed to communicate a few things and I
showed her two of my flash cards. She laughed and said them in Korean and kept
them. She thinks I gave her a gift. Another old man shook my hand (very unusual
for a Korean) and wanted to know how old my husband is. It’s amazing how much
is communicated.
newly baptized couple we have only seen on the post stopped by our table during
Fellowshipping and promised to be in church on Sunday. The husband works most
Sundays so it’s hard for them to come.
caught Russell and Char on Skype and were able to visit with them in Brazil. We
were able to begin working with a Korean tutor at the Senior MTC in Provo
again. He is enrolled in Chem 105 so he had some of the same questions Wayne
had been answering for Bethany as they prepare for their first exam.
met this couple from Seoul who were here for the weekend. The man spoke quite
good English and we found that we had lots of things in common. We ended up
going to dinner with them and experienced some wonderful Korean food. The man
assured us that it was, “Very famous.” They come to Soyosan every month for a
weekend and promised to call us the next time they come so that we can get
together again.
our nametags prompted questions about the church and I shared with them what
makes our church different from other Christian churches, the message of the
restoration. They looked like they were very happy together so I started by
telling them that the best thing about our church is that it promised that I
could be with my husband forever and that is something I look forward to doing.
What an incredible adventure in the Lord’s service. We’ll try hiking the
mountain again another day but today the Lord had an errand for us.